Documentation, Analysis, Visualization

The Forensic Photography Symposium is a first of its kind virtual gathering of forensic photographers from around the globe to share knowledge, techniques, promote the study, and enhance the stature of forensic photography.
The very first FPS was held in January 2022 and brought together forensic photography professionals, academics, technology companies and software developers who had the opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss solutions to problems regularly encountered in the forensic photography discipline.
Due to its virtual format, the FPS brings together attendees from all over the world. Forensic photographers, crime scene investigators and technical experts attend to learn about problems faced by everyday investigators and how to overcome them by utilizing the digital camera and equipment to its full potential.
IAI education Credits
The Forensic Photography Symposium qualifies for IAI Certification and Recertification credits as specified by each certification board. You should check with your specific board to see how these can be applied as it may not qualify for initial certification credits for some discipliens.
We've put together a list of presentation topics delivered by some of the biggest names in the field. Attendants gained valuable tips and tricks on how to tackle difficult photographic situations from experienced and knowledgeable photographers who have demonstrated proficiency in many areas of forensic photography. The focus of this symposium was on practical, real-world issues and we invited manufacturers, developers and technical experts to discuss how things work and why they behave the way they do. Topics such as mirrorless cameras, sensors, lenses, filters, lighting, 360° imagery, night time photography, working with lasers and much more were covered.
Equipment & Accessories
New Mirrorless cameras
Alternate Light Sources
360 Cameras
Understanding Polarizers
Flash Workshop
Telephoto Lenses
software, Apps & image processing
Converting to full spectrum
Understanding Filters
Photoshop Demo
Shooting in Infrared
Photography for Crash Investigations
Drone Photography
Pole Photogrammetry
Bad weather
Surveillance and shooting at night
Focus stacking
Courtroom &
Presentation Formats
Working with blood and fluids
Postmortem fingerprints
Bullet Trajectories
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Importance of IAI Certification
Eugene Liscio, P.Eng
3D Forensic Analyst
Eugene Liscio is the founder of ai2-3D and Recon-3D. He is a graduate of the Aerospace Engineering Program at Ryerson Polytechnic University. Eugene is a Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario and is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Toronto, Mississauga where he teaches a 3D Forensic Mapping and Reconstruction course and supports student research projects. He has been using Photogrammetry in his work since 2006 and has taught hundreds of professionals from various backgrounds using his method.