Documentation, Analysis, Visualization

ready, set....
Thank you for being a part of the Forensic Photography Symposium.
This video is a preparatory video for the FPS. There’s a lot of information in this video so please sit back and watch for the next few minutes to ensure that you don’t miss anything important.
If at any time during the conference, you have an issue, you can send an email to The team will be monitoring that email address during the conference in case you have anything that comes up.
Symposium Links
To watch the symposium, we will be using Zoom as our meeting platform. The links for the symposium will only be sent on Sunday night or Monday morning, so make sure to look for them at that time. When you sign into Zoom, please use your full first and last name. Do not use nicknames or numbers. This is so we can ensure that only registrants are attending. If you use a cryptic name, you’ll be kicked back to the waiting room until you change it to your full name.
Hardware and Software
At the very least, you’ll need a computer with sound so you can hear the recordings. If you want to participate in the networking sessions, it's helpful to have a webcam and microphone.
There is a Zoom app for mobile devices and this can be a good option in case you don't have a microphone or webcam. Make sure to update your version of Zoom!
All the talks will be recorded although networking sessions and breakout rooms will not be recorded. It takes some time for the recordings to be processed in the cloud, but once they are done, an email will be sent out to everyone so you can catch up on the recordings. The recordings will be available for a period of 4 weeks after the conference.
Certificates and Educational Credits
We will be issuing certificates only after the symposium is completed and they will be made in a Dropbox folder. We will provide you with a link and you can download your certificate out of the folder.
The symposium will provide ACTAR CEUs. So if you are an ACTAR member and you want credit for the symposium, just email us at and let us know your ACTAR number. We’ll provide a QR code after each ACTAR approved presentation for you to scan and get your credits.
IAI Certification Credit
The FPS qualifies for IAI Certification and Recertification credits as specified by each certification board. As an attendee, you will need to submit a certificate of attendance with the number of hours listed. It may not qualify for initial certification credits for some disciplines, for instance, Crime Scene requires classroom credits for their initial certification. 
You can find a copy of the most recent schedule in the symposium program and on the website. Please remember that all times are in Eastern Time (Toronto-New York). See the link!
FPS presentations will start right at 1pm sharp everyday (Jan 20 - 23, 2025). Certified Short courses ( for those registered - extra US$ 75 per course) will run from 8am - 12pm EST.
With respect to our Q&A sessions, I want to encourage everyone to ask questions where possible. Although we don’t have a lot of time, it’s important to engage the speakers with serious and thoughtful questions. In case we run out of time, we’ll do our best to get any remaining questions to the speakers, or we’ll ask them to hang back and answer any questions in the Q&A section of Zoom.
Prizes and Contests 
Throughout the symposium, we’ll be giving away prizes which have been donated from our sponsors. This includes everything from free software licenses, free seats for training courses and camera accessories and stuff. But, you may have to work for it so keep your symposium program handy.
We are also going to announce two photo contests. One for students and one for professionals. I’ve placed a page on my website where I’ll be hosting the photographs and I’ll be taking a poll during one of our breaks later in the symposium so that you’ll get a chance to vote on the best images. I’ve also placed the contest rules on the website as well. Just look for the photo contest page that was recently added on the website.
I want to thank you all for attending and supporting the Forensic Photography Symposium!
-Eugene Liscio